The First 56

Exactly 56 days ago, I launched a new company. My company. I put my name on the top of a website, business card and everything in between. I never thought I would have the guts. I really didn’t. I knew I was ready, but I really didn’t think I would have the guts.
What I didn’t realize for the last 2+ years is how much I longed to get back to doing what I love to do. I had spent 17 years in the recruiting industry and absolutely loved it. I loved helping companies find great people. I loved helping people find great companies. I loved everything in between – the resumes, the interviews, helping people better their careers – it is all part of the intrinsic reward I got out of recruiting. I also loved building teams and the relationships that I had with colleagues who became some of my closest friends.
When I made the decision to leave my last position in the recruiting industry, as many people do, I had a non-compete agreement with my former employer. I had no choice but to go into a new field. It was exciting at first. I worked for a great company with great people. I gave it my all. I threw myself into making my ‘new’ career as successful as I could, but I kept looking back. I had to listen to my heart. I had make a change to get back to doing what I love.
The months leading up to the decision to resign from a guaranteed paycheck were full of uncertainty, fear, excitement, and anxiety. Sometimes I thought I was just plain crazy.
Confucius has the best quote about doing what you love through his words “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” I am not sure I would go that far, but I for one know that The First 56 days of being back to doing what I have loved to do for almost 2 decades has been more rewarding than I thought possible.
I talk to people everyday about the next step in their careers, what they love to do and how they can continue to pursue their passions. I speak to business owners about what their ideal organizational chart would look like in 5 years and help them identify the talent they need to hire to be able to get there. I teach workshops on how to interview and work with volunteer boards to identify talent for their charitable organizations. The First 56days has taught me that I am doing what I love and helping others to do what they love.