Simply JK Blog

June 7, 2024
School’s Out Forever? Rethinking Higher Education Recruitment
The world of education recruitment is undergoing a significant transformation. With recent shifts in schools and colleges, traditional hiring methods are being re-evaluated to meet the demands of a rapidly evolving educational environment.
May 8, 2024
Connecting Businesses and Nonprofits With High-Performing Talent Through a Transparent Hiring Process and Strategic Guidance
Successfully filling a corporate leadership position requires a candidate who not only has the experience and expertise outlined in the job description, but also a personality that aligns with the organization’s team and values.
April 16, 2024
Solving the Leadership Gap: Practical Solutions for Executive Recruitment
In the dynamic landscape of modern business, the demand for effective leadership is ever-present. As companies strive for growth, innovation, and sustainability, the role of executives becomes increasingly crucial. However, finding and retaining top-tier leadership talent is a challenge that many organizations face—a challenge often referred to as the "leadership gap."
March 8, 2024
Why Spring Is The Best Time To Look For Employment
As the winter frost begins to thaw and nature awakens with the promise of renewal, so too does the job market come alive with opportunities. Spring isn't just a season of blooming flowers and longer days; it's also the perfect time to begin your job search journey.
February 9, 2024
The Vital Role of Employee Retention in Building a Sustainable Business
In today's dynamic and competitive business landscape, companies face numerous challenges in attracting and maintaining top talent. While recruiting new employees is essential for growth, the significance of retaining existing staff members should not be underestimated.
January 5, 2024
Unveiling the Top Jobs to Watch in 2024
As we stand on the cusp of 2024, the professional landscape is evolving rapidly, driven by technological advancements, market demands, and changing consumer behaviors. At JK Executive Strategies, we are committed to keeping our clients and partners informed about the latest trends shaping the job market.
December 27, 2023
Best Ways to Ask for a Raise in 2024
In a world that is constantly evolving, staying ahead of the curve is essential. As we step into 2024, the economic landscape is marked by inflation, rising living costs, and increasing competition for top talent. If you're considering asking for a raise, it's crucial to approach the conversation strategically. At JK Executive Strategies, we understand the value of our placements being properly compensated, so we've compiled a list of the best ways for you to secure that well-deserved salary increase in 2024:
September 18, 2023
Understanding New York's New Salary Transparency Law
Learn about New York State's new Salary Transparency Law and its implications. Contact JK Exec to request a callback to learn more.
September 3, 2023
The Observance of Labor Day and Why Employers Should Care
As the calendar turns to September, the arrival of Labor Day offers a moment for reflection on the labor movement's impact and the rights and contributions of workers. What began as a tribute to unionized labor in the late 19th century has evolved into a national day to celebrate the achievements and contributions of all workers.
August 29, 2023
What You Need To Know About A Financial Recruitment Agency
Your guide to working with a financial recruitment agency to find eligible candidates for your company. Contact our team today to request a callback!
August 23, 2023
7 Advantages Of Using Retained Search Recruitment
Here are seven benefits of using retained search recruitment to find eligible hires for your company. Get in touch with our team today for more information!
July 27, 2023
From Intern to Perm – How to Ensure Everyone Benefits from Your Professional Intern Program
Internship programs provide a unique opportunity for both interns and companies to benefit mutually. A well-designed intern program can serve as a talent pipeline, enabling companies to identify and nurture promising candidates for future full-time positions. It also allows interns to gain valuable work experience, develop their skills, and explore their career interests. In this blog, we will explore best practices to ensure a successful and rewarding internship program that seamlessly transitions interns into permanent employees.
July 11, 2023
Setting Boundaries in the Workplace
Boundaries are important to set early on at your workplace because often people spend more time at work than they do at home. People also tend to overshare at work about their work, personal life, or love life. It’s important to remember that not everyone has your best interest at heart so oversharing can potentially hurt you in the long run. Oversharing in the workplace can impact how people review your work, share information with you, and treat you. This treatment can be done without people realizing they’re even doing it because it’s a natural human response to change your perception of a person based on certain information they may share.
June 28, 2023
Seven Ways a Diverse Workforce Can Improve a Company’s Bottom Line
esearch consistently demonstrates that diversity positively impacts a company's bottom line. As business executives strive to navigate the development of diverse workforces within their organizations, there are seven key factors to keep in mind regarding how workforce diversity can enhance a company's financial performance. Enhanced Creativity and Innovation Expanded Talent Pool Improved Decision-Making Better Employee Engagement and Retention Enhanced Customer Understanding and Client Insight Expanded Market Reach Enhanced Reputation and Brand Image
May 30, 2023
How Veterans Can Navigate Finding a Civilian Job After Service
Are you a veteran looking for civilian work? We specialize in being able to effectively analyze a veteran candidate’s qualifications and credentials, highlight their skills and strengths, and ultimately identify the ideal role for them within the civilian job force. We welcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss your job search efforts and to help you find the perfect position.
April 26, 2023
How To Tell You Could Benefit From An Executive Search Firm
Learn how to tell that you can benefit from hiring an executive search firm in Rochester, NY to recruit a candidate for your company. Contact us today!
April 26, 2023
What Does It Take to Be a Great Executive Assistant?
A typical day in the life of an Executive Admin (EA) could include such duties as fielding and screening calls, managing and overseeing the coordination of corporate executive calendars, handling and facilitating travel arrangements, coordinating meetings, events, and internal presentations, and preparing reports, all while maintaining impeccable customer and client relations.
April 19, 2023
How Volunteering Can Improve Your Career Prospects
Volunteerism on your resume can greatly set you apart when applying for jobs. It demonstrates an ability to adapt to new environments and highlights your drive and ambition for trying new things. Volunteerism offers you a unique opportunity to stand out from other job candidates by adding different elements to your resume and experience that others aren’t as likely to have. If you’re currently job-seeking, consider volunteering at a local organization today.
March 31, 2023
Top Five Reasons to Hire a Recruitment Firm
Through the fusion of deep industry-specific knowledge, years of experience in identifying work traits complementary to individual professional roles and corporate cultures, JK Executive Strategies has developed a robust and proven search process. This proven process acknowledges and addresses all qualifications and compatibility considerations, and ensures that the hiring process runs smoothly, quickly, and cost effectively, allowing employers to focus on the business of doing their business, while expediting and optimizing the search for the best talent for their organization.
March 7, 2023
Paving the Way for Women in Construction
There are a variety of options for careers in the construction field. Specialized roles are available in a vast array of industry trades including masonry, electrical, carpentry, and plumbing. There are also opportunities in estimating and project management where roles entail management and oversight within the construction field rather than hands-on work execution. Some people might not realize that roles within engineering are also considered part of the construction field. Depending on the company’s focus, the engineering field affords opportunities in structural, electrical, civil, mechanical, and industrial engineering.
February 13, 2023
Working for Not-For-Profit Organizations
A nonprofit organization qualifies for tax-exempt status by the IRS because its mission and purpose are to further a social cause and provide a public benefit. There are also nonprofit organizations that include hospitals, universities, national charities, and foundations. Similar to a nonprofit, a not-for-profit organization does not earn profit for its owners. All money earned through pursuing business activities or through donations goes right back into running the organization. Learn more about the difference between a nonprofit and a not-for-profit here:
January 16, 2023
2023 Job Market Outlook
With the younger generation entering the workforce, many professionals are staying at jobs for a shorter period of time due to several factors. Employers are getting creative to keep employees in a tight labor market. They are listening to new ideas, working toward driving better work/life balance, offering competitive salaries, and becoming much more flexible with schedules. We think 2023 is going to be a big year for the job market and we can’t wait to see what’s next!
December 27, 2022
Lag Time and Positions Slowing Down the Interview Process
Part of the job search process that many job seekers don’t prepare themselves for isn’t the interview itself, but the interview process. Preparing yourself for the lag time between interviews and knowing when to reach back out to a company will help calm some of the nerves associated with the process.
November 21, 2022
The Basics of Career Development: National Career Development Month
November is known for the start of the holiday season, great food, and cold weather. What many people don’t know is that it’s also career development month! With 2022 coming to an end, many professionals are evaluating their current positions and thinking “what’s next?” Whether you are happy in your current position, looking for a new opportunity, or feeling stagnant, everyone has opportunities to continue or kick-off their career development.
October 14, 2022
Mental Health Awareness Month: Normalizing Mental Health as a Priority in the Workplace
There is no understating that the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the working world. The importance of caring for one’s own mental and physical health has maintained a priority in the last few years. In many industries, staffing shortages have caused significant increases in employee burnout. Now more than ever, employees are looking for employers that will support a work/life balance.
July 21, 2022
How We Serve Our Community
Volunteering is truly a part of our core values here at JK Exec. All employees at JK Exec are encouraged to participate on boards and volunteer their time to what they are passionate about. There are many causes and organizations that we also support as a team. It is important to our team and business that we support our local community in any way we can.
May 10, 2022
Tips to Spring Clean Your Resume
Spring is finally here, and while many are working to spring clean their homes, your resume might also need some TLC. At JK Exec, we review resumes on a daily basis and spring is the perfect time to “clean it up” for a more successful job search.
March 24, 2022
The Importance of Female Mentorship for Women in the Workplace
Women’s History Month is a time to reflect not only on the significant women that contribute to our lives in incredible ways, but it is also a time to consider how the relationships with women on every level – including on the corporate scale- impact the success of young girls and other women.
February 14, 2022
How to Fall in Love with Your Job this Valentine’s Day
Fall in love with your job this year!
January 27, 2022
What Should You Expect from the Job Market in 2022?
Moving into the New Year, the job market is shifting dramatically, and staffing shortages have given candidates more power than ever. Here is what to expect for the job market in 2022.
December 29, 2021
Defining Your 2022 Business Pillars
For organizations that are passionate about giving back to the community or want to promote employee involvement in non-profit organizations, defining business pillars is a great opportunity to align your team in a new and impactful way. Not only does involvement in charitable organizations benefit local causes that are in need of support, but it provides opportunities for networking and professional development for your workforce.
November 19, 2021
Professional Partying: A Guide to Office Party Etiquette This Holiday Season
For many companies, the 2021 holiday season marks the return of office holiday parties after over a year of social distancing. According to Tripleseat, 66 percent of employers will be holding a holiday celebration this year, and 84 percent of those events will be in person. The workforce is eager to interact socially once again, and office parties are a great way to reward the hard work of employees with good food and good conversation.While these parties are a great way to strengthen culture and build personal connections with peers, it’s important to keep in mind some best practices to avoid regretful behavior or uncomfortable situations with your coworkers. Below are some answers to common party etiquette questions that will ensure you get the most out of your holiday celebration while maintaining a positive reputation and healthy professional relationships.
October 22, 2021
Is Your LinkedIn Profile Ready for Your Next Job Search?
Luckily, enhancing your LinkedIn profile doesn’t require major changes or time-consuming updates. A few simple tweaks and following some best practices can make all the difference the next time a hiring professional lands on your page.
September 22, 2021
Now Hiring: Are You Prepared for the Fall Job Search Surge?
Hiring during busy periods can be stressful, but there are ways to ensure your listing stands out amongst your industry competitors to find the right fit. Keep these three things in mind when conducting a job search during fall to make the most out of the autumn hiring surge.
August 31, 2021
The Case of COVID-Carryover: How to Manage an Excess of Employee PTO
The global workforce is recovering from a year of working remote and quarantining, with little thought given to planning vacations while the future remained uncertain. This isolation and forced adjustment to remote work left many professionals feeling overworked, stressed, and anxious.
July 22, 2021
Should You Offer Summer Fridays To Your Workforce?
Coming out of a year riddled with travel restrictions and quarantines, Americans are eager to spend their weekends outdoors and making memories with loved ones. Companies, especially in New York and big cities, are seeing the restlessness in their workforce that comes with short months of warm weather, amplified only by the ability to enjoy conveniences temporarily unavailable during the pandemic.
June 24, 2021
The “Cans” and the “Cannots” that Employers Need to Know About COVID Vaccination Requirements
Changing regulations around COVID vaccine guidelines are leaving many employers with more questions than answers. As offices reopen and workers look to return to their desks, leaders must act fast to ensure that guidelines are clear for a smooth and safe transition back to the workplace. Below, we address some of the most frequent questions we have received from leaders seeking HR guidance as they compile their vaccine guidelines.
May 12, 2021
Getting Back to Business
The work-from-home concept has changed how many employees do their job, communicate with team members, and so much more. As companies get ‘back to normal,’ will the flexibility of processes and protocols stay in place?
March 26, 2021
The Secret to Employee Retention
As an executive, what are you doing to connect with your employees and grow your business? Taking an active role to invest in your staff is instrumental.
February 23, 2021
Unexpected Resignation: To Counteroffer or To Not Counteroffer?
The job market has evolved into a candidate-driven market, and companies are working hard to attract the right candidates and retain current employees.
January 27, 2021
Every Professional Should Have a “Me File” – and Here’s Why
Why should every professional have a “Me File?” Sometimes, we need subtle reminders of our value, impact, and success to keep us motivated.
December 22, 2020
Setting Up New Leaders for Success
Hiring a new leader can be stressful. As executive recruiters, here are some tips to ensure an effortless transition.
November 19, 2020
Hiring Through the Holidays
Believe it or not, the end of the year is consistently the busiest hiring season for JK Executive Strategies – with 70% of our current active searches coming in at the start of Q4.
June 29, 2020
Listening and Learning: Ted Talks on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Privilege
For those who love podcasts, check out our top diversity and inclusion Ted Talks to listen to right now.
June 22, 2020
Tools and Resources to Promote Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace
At JK Executive Strategies, we believe that diversity makes an organization stronger. Here are 3 DI&E resources to review.
May 1, 2020
Top 10 Hot HR Compliance Topics
Download and view our checklist of the Top 10 HR Compliance Topics to ensure your compliant with the new changes!
March 19, 2020
Temporary Work from Home Policy and Agreement
Our HR Consulting Division works with companies on new policies and procedures. View our Remote Work Policy & Agreement template.
November 26, 2019
FLSA Exemption Questionnaire- NYS
FLSA Exemption Questionnaire – NYS: Note to employers: This questionnaire serves as a basic outline for an employer’s initial analysis of positions being considered for exemption under the FLSA and is meant to serve as one of several tools in such an analysis. Job titles are insufficient to determine exempt status. Additionally, state wage and hour laws may have different requirements.
November 26, 2019
How to Maintain H/R Files Properly
Each employer has its own unique employment record maintenance practices. Employee records can be maintained in paper form, scanned or completed and maintained electronically. No matter what format is used, the maintenance, security and retention requirements are the same.
November 25, 2019
HR Compliance 101
Companies of all sizes face increasing HR complexities as the number of employment laws and regulations are on the rise, and the risk of penalties for non-compliance has never been greater. When developing HR policies and procedures, HR leaders should know, for example, that:
October 29, 2019
Why is HR Vital for Small Businesses?
For small businesses, the Human Resources function can be helpful for much more than simply processing payroll or handling the annual open enrollment season. Human Resources plays an essential role in developing a company's strategy as well as handling the employee-centered activities of an organization.
October 2, 2019
How to Win the "Networker of the Year" Award
Most people become incredibly anxious at the thought of attending a networking event of any kind, whether it is a Chamber of Commerce event, professional organization or a group of fellow jobseekers. However, the thought of attending a social event or party at a friend’s home doesn’t elicit the same level of tension, though on a fundamental basis, the two events are very similar.
September 26, 2019
The ABC's of Action Verbs to Include on a Resume
Your resume is the first impression a company has of you, action verbs help portray the energy associated with the work you did!
September 19, 2019
Commonly Asked Behavioral Interview Questions
Did you know that an interview with a company starts the MINUTE you apply for a position? Don't let a question prevent you from sealing the deal, here is a list of 75 commonly asked behavioral questions to help you prepare for your next interview!
August 13, 2019
How Do I Answer the Weaknesses Question?
The “what are your weaknesses” question is universally the one that most interviewees are afraid of being asked, and the question that most interviewers are most likely to ask. Therefore there is no reason not to have an excellent answer.
July 10, 2019
If Job Search Advice Seems Odd, It Probably Is
Often at the end of a presentation to jobseekers, people will come up to me and ask me what I think of some piece of advice another coach has given them. I’m always taken aback by some of the things I’ve heard over the years.
June 25, 2019
How to Talk to People You Don't Know
Every time I do presentations about how to be a more effective networker, the number one question on everyone’s mind is, how do you start a conversation with someone you don’t know?
June 11, 2019
Getting Interviews - Not Closing the Deal
Always a Bridesmaid in Job Interviews and Not Getting the Offer? It’s always frustrating during the job interview process to successfully jump over the initial hurdles, only to be met with silence instead of getting an actual offer.
May 14, 2019
Let’s talk About Millennials
About a year ago I was asked to serve on a panel for a Human Resource conference at Nazareth College. Various HR professionals from around Rochester came to this conference hoping to stay up to date with the latest changes and trends. Why me? When I got there, I quickly realized it was a panel full of Millennials. What was the objective? To let HR professionals from around the Rochester community ask us questions about what we would want to see in an office environment, in a career or an ideal manager. I found this to be refreshing but also a little intimidating.
May 5, 2019
Job Interview Success Is in The Details—The Handshake
We all know that people form impressions based on the smallest details. Perhaps when you read this message line you laughed at how improbable it would be to NOT get a job offer because your handshake was too strong or too weak.
April 23, 2019
Be A “Product” Employers Want to Buy
If you’ve ever had the thought: “I’ve applied to every job I see, but I don’t get called for an interview—what am I doing wrong?” or “Should I get certification in XYZ, is that what’s keeping me from getting a job?”, this article’s for you.
April 4, 2019
Bragging Can Be Difficult, But Critical in a Job Search
Providing resume writing, job interview coaching and job search coaching to clients around the world.
March 19, 2019
How to Answer “Why are you looking for a new job?”
This is one of those job interview questions that will be asked by the savviest of interviewers. Although it's positively heart-stopping to be on the answering end of this question, if you were the employer, wouldn't you want to know how this seemingly fabulous person ended up on the job market? It's similar to finding a used car that's only got 1000 miles on it and is 3 years old; just a little too good to be true, and you can't believe that no one else has discovered this amazing find.
February 4, 2019
Prepare Yourself for a Counteroffer, But Never Accept It
Over 15 years ago, I wrote an article entitled “Never Accept a Counteroffer.” Today, I sit down to write a very similar article. Many things have changed over the years. Technology has changed. The job search process has changed. We have all gotten older and wiser. One thing hasn’t changed, however. My advice to Never Accept a Counteroffer still stands firm.
November 30, 2018
How To Prepare For A Phone Interview
Some people believe that the hardest part of the interview process is the initial phone interview. Refining your confidence and technique will help move you to the next step in the interview process.
November 7, 2018
Preparing for an interview
Preparing for an interview is as important as going through the actual interview itself. Proper preparation and research can mean the difference in advancing through the interview process to an ultimate job offer.
September 5, 2018
Why on earth would you put your address on your resume??
Over the past 9 months, I have observed a new phenomenon – candidates are submitting their resumes for posted positions without their address included on the resume. WHAT? No address? I’d like to make the case for how important an address is on a resume.
August 21, 2018
Importance Of Thank You Letters After An Interview
In the interview process, your personal brand is very important to landing a new career. Your personal brand starts with your resume, doing an introductory call, and then a physical interview. Through the entire process your brand is being evaluated to see if you are the right fit for the position and the culture of the company. This brings us to the critical last step to the interview process, a thank you letter.
February 25, 2018
Top 5 Must Do's for Creating Your Reference List
Providing references is a very important part of finding a new job and can often be an afterthought. Here are the Top 5 Must Do’s for managing the reference check process for yourself:
February 18, 2018
The First 56
Exactly 56 days ago, I launched a new company. My company. I put my name on the top of a website, business card and everything in between. I never thought I would have the guts. I really didn't. I knew I was ready, but I really didn't think I would have the guts.
February 16, 2018
Hey YOU! Stop Lying!!
For those of you who are honest as the day is long, I am going to apologize ahead of time. This may seem like a rant of a post – but I think it is important. Throughout my tenure in this industry, I have represented unbelievable talent. Ethical. Trustworthy. Professional. I can’t say enough about the majority of candidates I have had the pleasure of representing.
August 25, 2017
Five Times This Extremely Common Word Can Hold You Back at Work
First-person pronouns like “I,” “me,” and “my,” are unavoidable, but they can land you in hot water if you don’t know how to use them.
August 25, 2017
The top U.S. cities to get a financial services job outside of New York
New York City weather is currently hot and muggy. Financial services professionals are dealing with a “summer of hell” commuting into Manhattan, with the MTA scrambling to repair Penn Station after a series of train derailments, leading to ripple effects slowing down the entire transportation system. Many believe that it’s the best city in the world, but it’s also one of the more expensive places to live.
August 25, 2017
How investment bankers should NOT answer this interview question
Investment banking job interviews involve plenty of technical and competency based questions, but you’ll inevitably face the generic HR-style stumbling blocks, which are still surprisingly important.
August 25, 2017
Securing Diverse Leadership Talent Through Search Firms
In the first quarter of 2016, less than 10 percent of the Fortune 500 CEOs were diverse (defined in this article as gender and ethnicity). Data for other leadership levels within these organizations were not as readily available, but most sources suggest that the percentage of direct CEO reports, as well as the next level of direct reports, were also less than 10 percent.
The Importance of Company Culture
One of the most critical differentiators for an organization is its culture. Establishing a strong culture drives employment fulfillment, resulting in customer satisfaction.
The Building Blocks Of Successful Non-Profits
Here are the key components of a successful non-profit organization. If you want to build a solid base for your organization, call our executive search firm!


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