How We Serve Our Community

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Volunteering is truly a part of our core values here at JK Exec. All employees at JK Exec are encouraged to participate on boards and volunteer their time to what they are passionate about. There are many causes and organizations that we also support as a team. It is important to our team and business that we support our local community in any way we can.

Simply put, making volunteerism apriority allows us to work with people we would not otherwise normally work with and keeps our team forever-learning. The experiences our employees walkaway from in their volunteer work allow them to continuously learn and make impactful connections with the community. Most employees at JK Exec were not involved in volunteering or serving on boards before their employment here. It is an important goal of JK Exec that our employees have the opportunity to serve the community they work in and continue to learn and have impactful experiences.

While many members of our team volunteer time outside of work hours, we also volunteer as a team. These experiences have been a breeding ground for growth amongst our team and we have learned more about each other than we otherwise would have just by being in the office together. It has built a strong teamwork dynamic and created a newfound respect among us as peers.

Community involvement and volunteerism is something we encourage other workplaces’ to prioritize. Creating core values or company pillars really does lend a hand to the success of the culture. It is a clear vision for the team to focus on and get on board with. Volunteering is a good way to get out of the office and clear your mind from any stress while giving back to your local community.

Becoming more involved in your local community is not as difficult as it might seem, and you don’t always need to donate your time. At JK Exec, we allow nonprofits that don’t have office space to use our office for important meetings. Encourage your workspace to vote on a common cause to support. Usually, when your employees can agree on something, they are much more willing and excited to participate in it.